Smith & Bresson Club

Smith & Bresson Club
Smith & Bresson Club - I was inspired to create the Smith & Bresson Club for photography by the Pope and Young Club, which is for bowhunters. There are certain requirements, which a bow kill needs to satisfy in order to qualify for acceptance in the Pope and Young Club. The criteria to be accepted in the Smith & Bresson club will be based on my own subjective view of my work, which I will score. In short, those photographs that are part of this club will be my best work and those pieces, which would be part of an exhibition. Any photos that meet this criteria, will be marked by a small skull icon. To view the documentary THE BLUE WHITETAIL, go to the following website; http// or click on the Smith & Bresson logo above.

April 7, 2012

Arrow Head

'Arrow Head' - 1977                                                                                    snake

Arrow Head. This shot of Xerox Tower was taken with my first 35mm camera and my first roll of film.  I was not a bowhunter then and I knew nothing about full frame, 35mm shooting. Still, I can’t help but think of this shot as a foreshadowing of things to come because it looks a lot like a hunting broadhead.

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