Smith & Bresson Club

Smith & Bresson Club
Smith & Bresson Club - I was inspired to create the Smith & Bresson Club for photography by the Pope and Young Club, which is for bowhunters. There are certain requirements, which a bow kill needs to satisfy in order to qualify for acceptance in the Pope and Young Club. The criteria to be accepted in the Smith & Bresson club will be based on my own subjective view of my work, which I will score. In short, those photographs that are part of this club will be my best work and those pieces, which would be part of an exhibition. Any photos that meet this criteria, will be marked by a small skull icon. To view the documentary THE BLUE WHITETAIL, go to the following website; http// or click on the Smith & Bresson logo above.

April 20, 2014

Profile Horse

'Profile Horse' - 1986                                                                                       snake

If The Horse Was A Whitetail.  A broadside whitetail offers the bowhunter an excellent target to send an arrow into the heart/lung area, just behind the shoulder of the front leg.  The target is approximately 25 yards away and since it is uphill, I would have to aim a little lower behind the shoulder, since the trajectory of the projectile will force the arrow strike the target a little higher where aimed.

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